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Trademark Search

As a business owner, properly conducting a trademark search should be a top priority. One of the best ways to ensure that you are avoiding infringement while maximizing the value of your brand is by partnering with an experienced trademark attorney, like Intellequity. I have the knowledge and expertise to guide you through the complex world of trademarks.


Conducting a thorough search involves much more than simply running a few internet queries. After obtaining the proper information for your Mark, I will be able to conduct a thorough search of the USPTO database, state databases, domains and business directories for potentially conflicting names. But searching is not enough, once the results are in, a thorough analysis of the results of your search must be completed and then an assessment of the risks and opportunities associated with using your trademark must be done. Ultimately, investing the time and resources to conduct a proper trademark search can save your business from costly litigation and wasted branding dollars down the line, while also strengthening your brand for years to come.


Make sure the mark you want to register is strong and stands a good chance of approval before you spend all that marketing money. The USPTO strongly encourages applicants to hire private attorneys for the trademark registration process, and this includes the search, as it can be complicated. I can conduct a detailed search of your proposed mark and identify and correct any potential issues of infringement or registrability with the USPTO. 


Read below for more detailed information on conducting proper trademark searches, or book a free 15  minute general trademark search consultation or a 1/2 hour, detailed, low cost trademark consultation that fits your needs. Expect exceptional service and legal work you can always rely on.

trademark search on keyboard

USPTO Database

It's no secret that creating a unique and recognizable brand is vital for business success. But did you know that blindly choosing a name or slogan for your brand without first checking the USPTO database for existing trademarks could lead to legal trouble down the road? Consumer confusion is a real risk if your brand name is too similar to an existing trademark, leading to the likelihood of confusion. This doesn't just mean similar spellings or meanings but also could mean similarity of sound and visually similar, which can result in lost revenue and even lawsuits. It's important to do your due diligence and search the USPTO database before settling on a brand name or slogan to ensure that your intellectual property is protected and your business can thrive.


I know the intricacies of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database and can not only effectively do an advanced search, but can interpret the results effectively. By doing so, I can identify any potential issues or conflicts that could arise in the future and guide you on the best course of action before you file an application that might get denied. 


Read more information below on other databases to search. Ready for me to conduct a trademark search for you? Book a low-cost consult today!

State Trademark Databases

Even though you have searched the USPTO database,  before printing cards, signing leases, or even registering a domain name, it's important to ensure that your desired name is available and not trademarked by another business. Just because the name does not appear taken in the USPTO database does not mean you are out of the woods. Beside wanting to ensure the name you choose is not infringing a federal mark, you still want to know if it might conflict with any state registered trademarks.


While a distant state registration may not keep you from using your chosen name in your home state, it can definitely limit your options and ultimately could still lead to a battle. Avoid this mess by utilizing all 50 state databases. It is the only way to be assured that your chosen name is free and clear. Don't let an avoidable legal dispute halt the growth of your business before it even launches!


With the search you will get from Intellequity, you can rest assured that all 50 databases will be reviewed and analyzed. If there appears to be a possible conflict, I can advise of the severity of any risks involved and recommend a wise course of action.


Continue reading more information below on other databases to search, or if you are ready for me to conduct a trademark search for you, book a low-cost consult today!

Oregon state capital building
search domain name

Almost there, but not quite finished. After searching the USPTO and state databases, you still want to ensure that any name you choose is unique and will not be diluted by other company names out there. What should you do? Search Google and other social media sites for company names and social media handless that are similar to your proposed name. Look at the goods or services of these companies. Are they close to the same class of goods and services of your business. If so, analyze and choose carefully.


You will also want to search domain names as well. While a domain name by itself does not confer trademark rights on the user, it is still wise to be aware of what is out there and to determine if the name you want to use will not ruffle any feathers or raise any eyebrows, all of which could lead to a letter you do not want to get.


In any event, choosing a name is not as simple as it may first seem if you want to do it right. Intellequity is a trademark law firm. As such, I can help you with your search and help you to choose a name that works for you and keeps you out of trouble. If you are ready for me to conduct a trademark search for you, then book a low-cost consult today!

Even after search all of the databases mentioned above, there is still work to be done. It is inevitable that after doing those searches, there will be some names that will potentially be close in name, sound or meaning, and for which trouble could ensue. 


Analyzing those names for likelihood of confusion, as well as determining the likelihood that any of the owners of those names are more or less likely to care or file an opposition to your mark is a mandatory final step in the trademark search process.


An experienced trademark attorney can do this evaluation best and in the most efficient manner. I am familiar with what trademark examiners look for in the likelihood of confusion analysis, and I can provide sound advice when it comes to ultimately picking a name, and in what classes of goods and services your business name will work. If you would like to learn more about this topic or any other area of trademark law, feel free to click the link below to book a low-cost consultation today.

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"Jim provides excellent and knowledgeable services for my band A.D.D. He has worked with me on U.S. Trademarks, as well as cease and desist documentation. If you are looking for great representation, Intellequity is the place to go!


 - ADD Loud

"I recently hired Jim to draft an agreement on rights to a book I wanted to turn into a tv series or movie. He was extremely helpful. I felt like I was dealing with a friend, not an attorney. I am looking forward to using him in the future."


- Arnie Goodman

"Jim does a thorough job on the many projects we've sent his way. He has a wide range of knowledge on many areas and he takes the time to explain options! We'll continue to use him for our small media group because we get a more personal experience than the big law firms at better rates; with no sacrifice of quality of work."


- Stay Rooted Media Group


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111 SW 5th Ave. Suite 3150

Portland, OR 97204



M - F 9am - 4pm

By appointment only.


The law firm is licensed to practice in Oregon. The information provided by this website is offered for general information only.   It is not intended to be legal advice and does not establish an Attorney-Client relationship between you and this firm.  For more detailed information on your particular situation, contact us at  503-877-0881.

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